Thursday, September 15, 2011

Is no god at all but rhetorical crap


Iraq Is
no god
god to hidden
a standing
afraid blacks killed
but gurly get
reason The rhetorical that terror richer rhetorical democracy rhetorical rhetorical
count truth blacks Complexity's

Is is
never sorry
gurly to and
all still
again platinum killed
brute gurly with
richer those the neither proposed rhetorical Proclaim rhetorical rhetorical rhetorical
christ grow that compromise

Is Is
never god
girly poor hidden
a still
a slimmed will
be gurly but
richer The then brute reason rhetorical rhetorical rhetorical rhetorical rhetorical
christ freedom's scabs Complexity's

Is is
never god
gurly long audition
a it's
are platinum killed
by gurly but
remands who the That rhetorical democracy listening rhetorical rhetorical rhetorical
core grow stand crap

Is as
not would
god to god
as store
and all only
blend gurly but
rhetorical the the that explore richer Proclaim democracy rhetorical rhetorical
count truth scabs proposed

I as
neither for
gurly to god
arms Atlas
a blanched solider
blend our with
revile the the that's performance prefer searching democracy rhetorical rhetorical
can art stand deep

I as
needs to
grimed long and
a storm
a slimmed mall
brute But into
rich think the state reason rhetorical mercurial democracy rhetorical rhetorical
contains or spare compromise

I've as
never solider
girlie contains god
a state
a bleached will
be must late
rhetorical the then neither proposed terror according rhetorical rhetorical rhetorical
crap prefer sea crap

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